Fortnight Animated Film Festival, 12 original films can be viewed in party Royale tonight. specifically, the event will be shown in the party Royale mode of the game. This will not be the first time this note is being used to show a film on the game platform. Though admittedly, it’s going to be hard to compete with a Travis Scott film from 2020. that being said, the trailer on YouTube has shown a collection of entertaining animated films. These films come from a variety of creators from around the world. The best part is that it is totally free to access for players within the next 24 hours.
Fortnight party Royale mode
the fortnight animated film Festival is being hosted on the party Royale mode. This is a loaded that is essentially a smaller version of the game. It is currently in testing and therefore does not possess all the features of the main game. Its intention is to function as a place where players can play in a smaller environment. Additionally, it has the alternate future of serving as a place to stream media events. It was first used in this function in 2020 with the most famous being a show performed by Travis Scott. however, since then it has been used for similar events on numerous occasions with fortnight occasionally providing special features.
Short night what to expect
the fortnight animated film Festival which has been christened short night began at 2 PM Eastern standard Time. The ovens format is very straightforward. It will consist of a collection of 12 short films which will play in sequence. Each runtime consists of just about 30 minutes which will play on a continuous loop for 24 hours. As far as gaining access to the event is concerned it is totally free for all players of the game. Seriously, there’s no need to have a special account or purchase unique items to gain access. Think of it like a unofficial film Festival in the park. When such events used to take place, they were totally free for anyone to show up to. However, fortnight is also providing a special action for the player’s avatar. This involves a jumbo popcorn, like the ones you could purchase at a real movie theater. The action has to be purchased from one of the stores and game but provides a unique reminder of the event. while, it’s very unlikely that all the films will be to the players tastes there should be something for everyone. That being said, if you want to see them in this unique setting you have to be quick. As the fortnight animated film Festival short night ends on February 21 at 2 PM.