The Bold and the Beautiful Spoiler: Finn is alive

If we talk about the current status of the storyline. In can be explained as at the cabin, Hope asks Liam how Kelly and Hayes are doing after being told that Finn wasn’t coming home. Liam thinks it was harder on him and Steffy than the kids, but he could see Kelly processing. “I still can’t believe any of this.” Hope reminds Liam that Kelly has a really good support system. Liam assures Hope he won’t take anything for granted. They’re doing things together that Steffy will never get to do with Finn again. Talk turns to Sheila and Hope remarks that she’s still a human being and she did give her the benefit of the doubt when she said she wanted to be in Finn’s life. But she shot her own son and tried to kill Steffy, so she doesn’t deserve to see the light of day again. Liam marvels at what a good stepfather Finn was to Kelly. “He embraced my daughter, and he loved her. I’m always going to be grateful to him for that. I wish Kelly had more time…” He announces he’s going to Steffy’s and won’t be long. They hug and he leaves. Bill arrives, passing Liam outside, and Hope tells him his son went to check on Steffy. Bill asks if she’s alright with that. Hope explains Steffy needs all the support she can get now in light of what’s happened. Bill is stunned to hear that she remembered who shot Finn and her — it was Sheila.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoiler: Finn is alive

At the cliff house, Steffy tells her mother that she sometimes wishes her memory hadn’t come back — seeing her husband die… She recaps that Sheila killed Finn, who should be there right now. Taylor asks how the kids took the news. Steffy remarks that Hayes doesn’t really understands, he’s so little, but he senses something. She wants to plan a memorial service, but first they have to talk to Li and tell her the truth about how Finn died. Taylor reached out to her; she should be on her way now. They discuss Li coping by shutting down. She took care of all the details and left. Steffy didn’t even get to see Finn one last time before he was cremated. Taylor is so sorry; that must have made everything so much harder.

In a room, Li picks up a framed photo of Finn and fumes, “Sheila Carter.” She continues speaking and muses that maybe he’s better off where he is, but as long as there’s a chance, she’ll never give up. Walking across the room, the camera pans up to a bed… in which, Finn is lying hooked up to machines and unconscious!

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