Frequently Asked Questions
If I register with you, will my email address be made available to third parties?
We have no plans to make our registered user data to any third parties.
When do you update your website?
Stories from the print edition are placed on the site each Monday morning. However, breaking news items are posted throughout the day.
How can I advertise in your journal?
The Joplin Business Journal has a generic mailbox for inquiries of all nature. If you are unsure what individual you need to contact relating to any area of the newspaper, send an email with your inquiry and information on how to contact you to [email protected]. Your query will be routed to the correct person and you will be contacted.
Do you accept story suggestions or press releases?
Yes. News about your company, a story tip or a story suggestion is always welcomed. Contact us by telephone or email (names, numbers and addresses are in the About Us area of the web site) to get your information to the correct person. Remember to include the name of a contact person and a phone number.
I have signed up to receive your email newsletters, but have not started receiving them. Is there something more I need to provide?
Email newsletters should be available to you each Monday morning. If you are not receiving them, check the sign-up information you provided to be sure it is accurate and complete. If your information is complete, contact the Joplin Business Journal by email [email protected] or by telephone 888-536-2525 or 417-623-9901 ext.455.
How do I change my email address, so I can continue to receive the newsletters?
Return to the newsletter sign-up portion of the Joplin Business Journal site, remove the existing address and type in the new address. There should be no pause in the transmission of the newsletters.
I did not receive my print copy of the Joplin Business Journal this week, how can that be corrected?
Please contact the subscription services (names, telephone numbers and email addresses are provided in the “Contact Us” area of the website) to get a copy mailed to you.