Haikyuu is a Japanese show manga series. This show is written by Haruichi Furudate. The show is all about the players who are playing volleyball at the school level. The story revolves around the game and the relationship between the players. These players are Shoto and Kageyama Tobio. The first series of this show was aired in 2014. And there are three series which have been already released by the makers of the show. This time the fourth season is available for the fans of Haikyuu. The series is available in various languages along with subtitles in South East Asia. Not the tenth episode of Season 4 Part 2 is all set to launch. This show is the fastest growing establishment by manga structure.
Haikyuu Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10 Release date
This Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10 is called the Annals of this Serene King. This episode was released on December 5, 2020. Between January 11, 2020, and April 4, 2020, the episodes began to release. Later Cour 2 went official on October 3, 2020.
Haikyuu Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10 cast
There are various characters in the Season 4 Part 2 Episode of Haikyuu. Here is a glimpse of the cast:-
- Ayumu Murase as Shoyo Hinata
- Kaito Ishikawa as Tobio Kageyama
- Satoshi Hino as Daichi Sawamura
- Miyu Irino as Koshi Sugawara
- Tui Hayashi as Ryunosuke Tanaka
- Yoshimasa Hosoya as Asahi Azumane
- Nobuhiko Okamoto as Yu Nishinoya
- Koki Uchiyama as Kei Tsukishima
- Soma Saito as Tadashi Yamaguchi
- Toshiki Masuda as Chikara Ennoshita
- Kaori Nazuka as Kiyoko Shimizu
- Morohoshi Sumire as Hitoka Yachi
- Hiroshi Kamiya as Ittetsu Takada
- Hisao Egawa as Keishin Ukai
- Yuto Uemura as Motoya Komori
- Kohsukr Toriumi as Kiyoomi Sakusa
- Mamoru Miyano as Atsumu Miya
- Natsuki Hanae as Korai Hoshiumi
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Haikyuu Season 4 Part 2 plot
Haikyuu is the protagonist of the series. He is looked down upon by his peer volleyball players. He is criticized because of his short stature. But he never let this obstacle towards his goal to play volleyball. Later in spectacle 19 department, 283 is called self-confidence. Karasuno has finally achieved its rating by Inarizaki from the third group.