President Trump is known for using their Twitter account daily tweeting many times about a lot of issues, some tweets get ignored and some become memes. However, recently when the US elections were being held Trump did a lot of campaigning on Twitter as well. His devoted followers kept close tabs on what Trump tweeted and talked about. Especially during the elections, trump supporters came forward and voted for him in huge numbers. Although he did not get enough votes to become the president of the United States again and got defeated by Joe Biden, Trump and his supporters did not swallow this truth. In fact, Trump called the elections rigged and false because the loss simply left a sour taste in his mouth and so did his supporters. Unfortunately, Trump could not make America great again once more and that seemed to anger his supporters. Even after voting him in massive counts, he could not win the presidency.

Trump refused to leave the White House

After the elections were over and Joe Biden was declared as the president of the United States, Trump did not accept his defeat easily. For months, he refused to do the democratic transition of the presidency. After all, Trump had to give up, and he did allow the transition to happen but at what cost. Trump tweeted a series of tweets that lead to an incident that has never been seen in the United States ever. Trump supporters went to Capitol Hill and created riots which was a dangerous scene that was condemned globally as America is known for its strong democratic structure but it collapsed after the riots took place.

Why Twitter banned Trump

Twitter has repeatedly said that if anyone will invoke or provoke a community to commit violence of any form in any part of the country their accounts will be suspended. The degree of provocation will decide whether their Twitter accounts will be banned temporarily or permanently. Trump’s tweet provoked several trump supporters to be violent and one of the major causes of Capitol Hill riots to take place. Americans despaired after the riots happened that killed a person.

ALSO READ : Kirstie Alley tweet on Trump’s account suspension to Slavery, the actress is calling out Twitter for banning his account

Twitter’s action on such incidents

Twitter monitored all Trump’s tweets and came to the conclusion that his tweets incited his supporters which led them to grave violence. Twitter revealed on the account saying they have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence. This move was extremely important although many are posting memes on it as well.

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