Justice league comics old and new, discussions are popping up across the Internet. This is due to the announcement of the release of the new crossover DC comic. Specifically, a crossover between the DC comic heroes of Justice league and rooster teeth’s RWBY. This new collaboration between the old Giants and young upstart for super store brings a new twist to the JL. also, with this latest release adding potentially new heroes to the Justice league, if only figuratively, has fans wondering. specifically, wondering about older members of the Justice league besides the core 7. In this case, wondering about heroes that were only seen briefly and then lost to memory.
Justice league comics RWBY
Justice league comics RWBYThe upcoming Rwby/Justice league comic another collaboration between two great entertainment companies. it is also the first comic series DC’s releasing in 2021. It will be a short series of precisely 7 chapters portraying classic DC heroes in the world of remnant. For all intents and purposes the core members of the Justice league will appear as characters of Rwby. According to the initial release information the first two that will appear will be Superman and wonder woman. Each will appear in different parts of the world and be joined by two of team Rwby members. It should be interesting to see how they are protruded in the comics especially their semblances/superpowers.
Forgotten Justice league heroes
While this upcoming crossover between justice league and Rwby should prove entertaining will it be remembered. This is a fair question as there have been many heroes associated with the justice over the years. recently fans have begun rediscovering these forgotten heroes. Individuals such as Blue Jay and Agent Liberty. Both members of the Justice league after leaving the DC universe is the equivalent of the avengers. In fact, both characters are essentially DC versions of avenger’s heroes. However, they did not distinguish themselves to the fans and as such were removed from the comics and faded from memory. while no one will deny that Rwby as anything but staying power at this time. The question remains will these incarnation of DC heroes be remembered?