Millions of Airtel Numbers are leaked along with Aadhar details:

More than 2 million Airtel Numbers are leaked, more personal details like Aadhar numbers are reported to be leaked.

The data breach has become a problem since we are modernizing and becoming more and more internet savvy. More than 2.5 million of data are said to be hacked. Website hosting this leaked informations are no longer available.

Numbers are prone to leak, but along with Numbers, addresses were also present. This has been worst if not taken an action on time.

In an India Today report, when they verified this information of present data on the web it turns out the majority were Airtel users. They learned from hackers that they’ve been blackmailing companies for $35,00 bitcoins. Hackers haven’t been successful in extorting Money and as a result, they put data on sale.

What do hackers do with such data?

For those who don’t know, this data market has been huge in India and all over the world. Hackers or even organizations sell their consumer’s detail to another company for sake of advertising. Have you ever received calls from a different bank while opening an account in a certain bank. Yes, your data is being used for advertising. And this data market is so huge there are companies selling this information that earn pretty well. Now companies like Airtel where consumers trust them with their personal information are undergoing such consequences.


  • More than 2.5 million Airtel users data leaked
  • According to India, today’s research hackers leaked data, are trying to extort money from the company.
  • Unable to make money from Airtel leaked data along with other personal details like Aadhar number, the address is leaked.
  • In a Research, India today find out that more leaked numbers are of Airtel user.

What do you think about such incidents when your information is not safe with such big companies?

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