SDPD Investigating Homicide in Bay Terraces with the news of At least 1 person killed

It reported that the Police department of San Diego is currently investigating a homicide that is in the neighborhood of Bay Terrace.

On Wednesday, the police department received a call and was urgently invited to come and investigate at 6 p.m. They were called because of the foul odor coming from a vehicle. Just close to the area of Casey Street and Appian Drive at stated by the police department.

The person who called the police department of SDPD also said that he had seen bullet holes in the car windows that scared all the residents living in the area.

SDPD Investigating Homicide in Bay Terraces with the news of At least 1 person killed

The officer that went to the area also found a body in the car that was shot down. But the worst thing is that the San Diego Police Department could not identify the body inside the vehicle with bullet holes in the window. At the same time, the witnesses helped out and told that the person had been living out of the car in recent months.

Reportedly San Diego Police Department is now deeply investigating the death that took place in the homicide. However, there are possibilities that someone was indeed killed, as the resident added in the report that they were hearing gunshots from the past few days in the area and stated by the San Diego Police Department.

SDPD Investigating Homicide in Bay Terraces with the news of At least 1 person killed

The gunshot rang just before the time of 8:30 the area near the north of Paradise Valley on South Meadowbrook Drive. As mentioned above, one person was shot and killed, whereas the other one was severely wounded. Said the SDPD.

SDPD kept saying that they didn’t know the reason for what happened in the Bay Terrace, but soon they will find out; when the shooting started in that area, a crowd gathered, which quickly dispersed as the shooting began. So San Diego Police Department will surely take care of the incident.

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