Xur emissary of the nine and conveyor of exotic materials returns to destiny once again. However, the question then becomes where exactly will he reappear? Xur is a recurring character in the destiny universe. Currently, his primary function is as a merchant who randomly appears throughout the game. Every so often when he appears he was a course of several days provide the opportunity to buy exotic weapons. As with all characters in the destiny universe he has a back story though it is a rather limited one. While it is not 100% possible to predict where he will appear it’s not impossible either. What is impossible to figure out is the material he will have available.
Xur Locations
Xur appears in a different location every so often and remains there for a couple of days. During that time players were gathered enough of a particular type of currency (either legendary or exotic shards) can purchase items. While the location is not 100% accurate every time, he appears the general area can be predicted. As he usually appears in the same area on a shifting pattern. Currently, seasoned veterans of the game are protecting his February 26 appearance will be Nessus.
Unfortunately, his exact location on the planetoid if this is where he appears is impossible to predict. Of course, it is still possible to locate him if you know where he likes to set up shop. This is usually in an out-of-the-way corner of a noncombat trade zone. While these predictions usually are accurate there’s always the chance that Xur will appear someplace else. After all, his ways are as mysterious as those of his virtually unknow masters.
Xur items for sale
Xur location of appearance is rather easy to predict the items he will be selling are not. These change every single time he appears and disappears. Additionally, they are never part of the same set or theme. The one thing they have in common is that they are all exotic items. In the game of destiny exotic weapons are some of the highest tier equipment available. So, if you show up to Xur shop and find some lines need to hurry. As there is no guarantee that what is there one week will ever be there again.