ibuprofen cause kidney damage

As per latest studies by various institutions, Anyone who is taking a diuretic and a renin-angiotensin system (RSA) inhibitor for the cure of high blood pressure should always be cautious and be in contact with his or her doctor and then consider taking ibuprofen.

Diuretics and RSA inhibitors are generally prescribed to people having hypertension and that too together and this formulated medicine is available under various pharmaceutical brand names. Painkillers such as ibuprofen is very common and are available over-the-counter in almost every pharmacy and store in various popular brand names.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo founded this problem with the help of computer-simulated drug trials to model the interactions of the three drugs and the impact on the kidney. During this test they found that in people with certain medical conditions, the combination can cause acute kidney injury, which in some cases can permanently damage kidney.

Computer-simulated drug trials are accurate and can quickly produce results that would otherwise take much longer in human clinical trials as it is a difficult process. Layton and her team used mathematical as well as computer science based theories to provide medical practitioners a head start with issues like drug complications.

Taking ibuprofen may cause kidney damage

The research, in this case, would also help directly to many people who are suffering from hypertension and taking drugs for it and may reach for a painkiller with ibuprofen without giving much of a thought.

“Diuretics are a family of drugs that make the body hold less water,” Layton said. “Being dehydrated is a major factor in acute kidney injury, and then the RAS inhibitor and ibuprofen hit the kidney with this triple whammy. If you happen to be on these hypertension drugs and need a painkiller, consider acetaminophen instead.”

If we dive deep into the report then the study states that the triple medication therapy, which is known as “triple whammy,” was associated with a 31% increased risk for acute kidney injury when compared to patients who are already facing hypertension and being treated with diuretic and ACE inhibitor/ARB only. The published report also stated that triple whammy acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs in 0.88%–22% of triple treatment patients.

“Our simulation results reveal a key role of the myogenic response in determining the risk of AKI,” the study authors stated in the published report. Myogenic response is the mechanism by which the blood vessel diameter constricts after an increase in pressure and increases in diameter after a decrease in this pressure to maintain appropriate blood flow, experts explain.

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